05 October, 2011
Plus ça change
History Today, writing on the 1936 Cable Street incident whose 75th anniversary is currently being celebrated ad nauseam by the Left.
("The Myth of Cable Street")
(My emphasis.)
Nothing changes, does it?
And isn't it curious that we have all heard of the events of the "Glorious 4th", when the united working class routedthe fascists the police, but nothing of the slightly less heartening consequences that followed?
Plus ça change, plus c'est les mêmes mensonges
("The Myth of Cable Street")
In the week after Cable Street the BUF ‘conducted the most successful series of meetings since the beginning of the movement’, attracting crowds of thousands and little opposition. Mosley made an ‘enthusiastically received’ address to an audience of 12,000 at Victoria Park Square, which was followed by a peaceful march to nearby Limehouse. By contrast the Communists’ efforts to consolidate their victory had ‘met with a very poor response’. ‘A definite pro-Fascist feeling has manifested itself’, the Special Branch report concluded: ‘The alleged Fascist defeat is in reality a Fascist advance.’
The reason the BUF was able to profit so handsomely from what had initially appeared a setback was that, at this stage, it thrived off the publicity that violent opposition produced. The national media, under pressure from the government, largely avoided reporting on Fascist activity other than when disorder occurred. A leading Mosleyite lamented the ‘total silence’ in the press when BUF events passed without incident, complaining that only after disruption by opponents did newspapers show any interest.
(My emphasis.)
Nothing changes, does it?
And isn't it curious that we have all heard of the events of the "Glorious 4th", when the united working class routed
Plus ça change, plus c'est les mêmes mensonges