02 August, 2011


Strange how they only just noticed this

The smear campaign conducted by the MSM against the EDL continues at such an intensity that comparison is unavoidable with the Searchlight-led MSM-wide smear campaign against the BNP in 2009 when the liberal establishment was terrified by the real prospect of the BNP winning seats in the European parliament.

The current episode in the anti-EDL campaign appears in the Guardian in the article

EDL leader demanded debate on killing David Cameron and archbishop

which reports businessman Alan Lake, the alleged paymaster of the EDL, thus,

On 23 May 2010, Alan Lake posted on his 4 Freedoms website an article outlining his belief that "in 20 or 30 years the UK will start to fragment into Islamic enclaves". He went on: "It's time we decide... who we will force in the Islamic enclaves (and who we will execute if they sneak out.) By forcing these liberal twits into those enclaves, we will be sending them to their death at worst, and at best they and their families will be subjected to all the depredations, persecution and abuse that non-Muslims worldwide currently 'enjoy' in countries like Pakistan... It will be great to see them executed or tortured to death."

The only extant source of this precise wording, from which the Guardian piece is evidently quoting, is an Indymedia article published on 30 May 2010. It has been picked up by Jai the Prolix at Pickled Politics, EDL News (an anti-EDL site), One Million United and others.

I cannot find the original of the comment (not strictly speaking an article) which is displayed in the Indymedia 'screen capture', but the closest matching extant thread on 4 Freedoms is here.

There are interesting differences. The Indymedia version of Lake's words begins

In 20 or 30 years the UK will start to fragment into Islamic enclaves and non-Islamic areas around them. Its time we decided who will be allowed in the non-Islamic areas. These are the people will force into the Islamic enclaves (and who we will execute if they sneak out).

By forcing these liberal twits into those enclaves we will be sending them to their death, at worst, and at best they and their families will be subjected to the depredations, persecution and abuse that non-Muslims worldwide currently 'enjoy' in countries like Pakistan, Iran and Egypt. It will be great to see them executed or tortured to death, as in Shiva's photos above.

The "Shiva's photos" reference is to some tasteful snaps of the charming Iranian custom of synchronized mass hangings upthread. Lake's purported post then goes on to kick off a list of candidates for banishment to Muslim ghettos, listing Rowan Williams, David Cameron and Nick Clegg.

This precise text is not present in the 4 Freedoms thread. It may have been deleted, of course. The closest match is what appears to be an update to the opening post, original date 21 May, The added section begins,

{due to the limitations of Ning, the section below is an edited version of a post that was previously further down}

In 20 to 50 years the UK will start to fragment into Islamic enclaves and non-Islamic areas around them. Note that these are self-formed enclaves (like the French or Swedish ones, not government forced ghettoes). I suggest that as an exercise we consider what type of people would be asked to leave the non-Islamic areas. This could be due to being a security risk, or due to not helping, or perhaps simply being a drain on morale.

By forcing these liberal twits into those enclaves then, at best they and their families will be subjected to all the depredations, persecution and abuse that non-Muslims worldwide currently 'enjoy' in countries like Pakistan, Iran and Egypt, and at worst, they will be executed.

The same text is also posted as a standalone comment in the same thread on 2 June.

The Guardian's piece quotes Lake as having regretted the hotheaded tone of the comment as originally posted and as having withdrawn it, posting a watered-down version after being 'spotted' by Indymedia.

OK, my first reaction was to question the authenticity of the Indymedia screenshot. It's not 'clean', in that it has an added heading and citation line incorporated into the image itself rather than supplied as caption text. There's all that confusion over the dates. And finally the style of the Indymedia version doesn't feel right: it reads more like what a Hard-Lefty would expect a 'Fascist' to write rather than the style Lake employs in his extant posts at 4 Freedoms. But let's not go down that path; there lies madness and the unfortunate fate of the Oozlum bird. The balance of evidence, particularly as implied by Lake's extant comments in the the thread and his failure to challenge the authenticity of the Indymedia screenshot when alerted to it, suggest that the Indymedia version is kosher as Lake's first bad-tempered draft, later regretted.

Two things:

Firstly, if this shocking post was first brought to Righteous attention in May 2010, why was it not condemned in the Guardian and the rest of the MSM then? Why does it become of national interest only in July 2011? Curious, that. Could there be some kind of campaign going on which makes dirt-digging profitable?

Secondly, the actual substance of the post. Indymedia, and the blogs who quote them, spin it explicitly as a proposal to force Muslims into ghettos and to persecute liberals and 'race traitors' by forcing them to live in the ghettos in the hope that the Muslims will kill them; and if the Muzzies won't kill them, we'll kill them ourselves along with any Muzzies who try to escape the ghettos. The footsteps of Godwin can be heard echoing down the corridor as hazy images of the Warsaw ghetto can be glimpsed in the distance. The Guardian is slightly more circumspect, omitting the direct ghettoization slur, but when you've got the edited quote, "It's time we decide... who we will force in the Islamic enclaves (and who we will execute if they sneak out.)", who needs to be explicit?

Well, how do I read it, unencumbered as I am by the burdens of the red mist of political hatred and of naked political opportunism? Even without the explication provided by Lake's subsequent revision, it is clear that no-one is calling for enforced ghettoization. It is a prediction, not a plan. Increasing numbers of third world-origin Muslims settling in inner city areas will encourage White flight to rural and outer suburban areas. Either voluntary White flight by those uncomfortable with the transformed environment or enforced flight as the result of threats. The result will be like the USA, where inner cities are populated by Blacks and increasingly by recently-arrived and largely illegal Hispanics, while middle-class Whites flee to suburbs and exurbs. Separation will be voluntary at the group level, and stark.

So much is simple prediction, social commentary.

Lake's other remarks, if accurately reported, are less excusable, but nonetheless can be charitably ascribed to anger rather than 'neo-Nazi' hatred. He is blaming the liberal elite for allowing the overwhelming, destructive Islamization which he predicts, and is simply suggesting that if they, the liberals, are so damned keen on Islam and Muslims, why don't they go and live among them and enjoy it to the full. The sort of sentiment bandied about on CiF daily, but inflated by very angry rhetoric. His anger at the liberals is justified; his original language is well over the top.

Have you never, my dear Indymedians and assorted Righteous Lefties, gone off on one and subsquently regretted it? Your intolerance will be your undoing in the end.

As always, your mileage may vary.

There's going to be an awful lot more of this stuff. It's gonna be a long hot summer.

Comrade, it has been reliably reported that three years ago during the Dear Leader's speech to the people on the anniversary of the Glorious Revolution, you were observed to scratch your testicles on several occasions. How do you account for this counterrevolutionary behaviour?

Cheer up Mr Lake, Edwin Whitewash has come to the rescue.

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