30 December, 2010


The untallied overhead

As yet another boozer is slated for conversion into a mosque, I find myself fascinated by this paragraph at the end of the Northampton Chronicle's piece:
Sharon Henley, crime prevention design adviser, said: “I have taken advice from colleagues in the Hate Crimes Unit and they have no concerns about this application.”
Leaving the intriguing job title, crime prevention design adviser, on one side to savour later, what exactly does this sentence imply? What concerns might the Hate Crimes Unit have? Don't bode well for the happy-clappy multiculture, do it?

Amazing where they find the money, is it not ?

So Northants police has a 'Hate Crimes Unit' eh ?
Perhaps they busy themselves with rooting out residual anti-Scottish prejudice engendered by the influx after WW2 of Scotch steelworkers to Corby- or perhaps not.

Still, this is one report to file away for the next time I hear Hugh Ordure of ACPO going on about 'savage cuts' to 'frontline policing'.

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