19 September, 2010


It pays to increase your wordpower

You too can improve your vocabulary just by surfing the Internong.

Earlier this year some Man City fans were discussing Moston, the once delightful and innocuous little settlement halfway between Manchester and Oldham where I was born and raised back in mediæval times. It seems to have gone down hill a bit. In an exchange of insults, one contributor ripostes
Dickhead i live in Moston not all here are arseholes but i will give it you 95% are dickheads.
Clearly there are some particularly subtle distinctions to be drawn here. Personally I always assumed a dickhead was an arsehole who was too thick to realize that he was an arsehole. Maybe I'm wrong.

Later on another contributor summarizes the decline of the district, adding
Plus there has for too long been economic depravity there.
I'll bet there has.

Meanwhile, over on CiF they have been discussing first-cousin marriages among the "British Asian" communities, and one commenter knows just what to blame.
I think this is because of areas of duplicity in the genome. Less duplicity, less likelihood of a disorder. The differences between parents within a family could change the likelihood.
Untrustworthy buggers, those genomes.

"Personally I always assumed a dickhead was an arsehole who was too thick to realize that he was an arsehole."

Ah. We need guidance from the masters, I think...

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